Our Projects

Jurisdictional Approach
to REDD+

Bentang works with key decision-makers to improve forest governance for sustainable impacts.

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions with an unconditional target of 29% and a conditional target (with international support) of 41% compared to business-as-usual (BaU) emission levels in 2030, as stated in Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).

GoI has developed a new roadmap for emission reduction in Indonesia's Forestry and Other Land Use Net Sink 2030. This roadmap strengthens national REDD+ strategies and other regulatory frameworks or strategies developed by GoI for emission reductions. In addition, GoI has conveyed a long-term vision to develop a climate-resilient low-carbon development pattern in line with the Paris target – the Low Carbon Compatible with Paris (LCCP) scenario. In this scenario, greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2030 at 1,240 million tons of CO2e and then decline and continue to decline to reach 540 million tCO2e in 2050. Net zero emissions (NZE) are expected to be achieved in 2060 or earlier. The Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) sector is the backbone of achieving the national NZE target

The Government of West Kalimantan (GoWK) has committed to supporting the national target of emission reductions. GoWK first pledged to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in 2012. The GoWK set an ambitious target to achieve a 60% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 compared to the BaU.

Since then, the GoWK has been preparing high-level policies and frameworks. This includes the Regional Action Plan on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAD GRK), and complements sectoral reforms and jurisdictional approaches guiding the implementation of REDD+ in the forest and land use sector. It includes the WK jurisdictional Strategy and Action Plan on REDD+ (SRAP), the REDD+ task force as a provincial-led coordinating REDD+ institution, the Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL), forest inventory guidelines, the sub-national SIS REDD+, a MRV system, and the Emissions Reduction Intervention Strategy (ERIS)

The provincial government realizes that they face considerable challenges in reducing emissions. Based on the emission performance assessment in 2013-2018, the reduction performance is still far from expectations. Based on the MRV System, the province had a positive return in reducing emissions from degradation but failed with emissions from deforestation.

Bentang works with the provincial government to improve jurisdictional REDD+ implementation in the following fields:

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