Bahenap Village Forest Project

Brief Overview

Project Name

Bahenap Village Forest Project

Project Period


Project Lifetime

01 April 2022 – 31 March 2047

Project Status



Certification Status


Project Description

The Bahenap Village Forest Management Rights (HPHD) were granted by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), covering an area of 10,915 hectares, through the Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. 7010/MENLHK-PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/12/2017. The HPHD aims to alleviate poverty, halt deforestation, and end forest conflicts by allowing local communities to manage forests themselves and develop sustainable livelihoods.

The community of Bahenap is the holder and owner of HPHD, and the Bahenap Village Forest Management Agency (LPHD) is a village-led institution mandated to manage village forests. LPHD must prepare Social Forestry Management Plan (RKPS) and Annual Work Plan (RKT), implement RKPS and RKT, and monitor and evaluate the RKPS and RKT regularly.

Since obtaining the HPHD, both LPHD and communities have been unable to develop comprehensively and implement their RKPS and RKT optimally due to a lack of capacity and long-term funding resources. In 2019, Bentang Kalimantan Tanguh (BKT) initiated the Bahenap Village Forest Project or Program Hutan Desa Bahenap (PHDB), consent by communities through approval letter No. 04/Pemdes/D-Bhp/2/2021. This initiative aims to facilitate LPHD and communities obtaining long-term funding support and providing technical assistance to execute their RPKS and RKT optimally, thus benefiting climate, community, and biodiversity.

Project Impact

9.022 hectares

Total project area or 87,6% of the total village forest areas

208 households

Number of housholds expected benefiting from this project

3.092 ton CO2

Climate benefits expected to result during the project period

General Project Information

General Project Information

Additional Project Information

Project Owner/Implementer

Bahenap Community/Lembaga Pengelola Hutan Desa (LPHD) Bahenap

Project Proponent

Bentang Kalimantan Tangguh

Technical Support

Forest Village Name

Bahenap Village Forest


LPHD Bahenap

Permit Number

The Minister of Environment and Forestry Decree No. SK.7010/MENLHK PSKL/PKPS/PSL.0/12/2017


10.700 hectars

Forest Status and Function

Protected Forest Area

Strengthening Village Forest management towards improved forest and biodiversity protection and community prosperity in Bahenap Village, Kapuas Hulu

Output 1. Improved village forest governance and management

Output 2. Village Forest Protected from Threats

Output 3. Forest Rehabilitation

Output 4. Habitat of endangered plants and wild animals are conserved and enhanced ​

Output 5. Improved Community Livelihoods and Income Options through Increasing and Optimizing the Value of Sustainable Agricultural and Forest Products

Key Species

Sunda Pangolin

(Manis javanica)​

Helmeted Hornbill

(Rhinoplax vigil)

Asian Giant Softshell Turtle

(Pelochelys cantorii)

Asian Giant Tortoise

(Manouria emys)

Project Benefit Metrics



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Di tengah ancaman serius terhadap kelestarian alam, peran yang dimainkan oleh tim patroli hutan tidak dapat diabaikan. Mereka menjadi penjaga kelestarian alam yang berada di

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